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SUSE 云原生

一个全面的边缘解决方案,需要提供企业在部署规模方面足以适应 10 倍、 100 倍、 1000 倍甚至更多的增长。随着边缘部署规模的扩⼤,消除或减少⼤规模管理边缘的运营开⽀成为了关键。此外,市场上还没有完全托管的边缘解决⽅案。因此,管理员/架构师⾯临的问题是:是否真的可以为边缘提供全⽣命周期管理?

通过 SUSE 云原生边缘计算指南,您将了解我们如何为边缘提供全⽣命周期管理,帮助您的组织领先同行一步。填写表单,立即免费获取指南!


  • SUSE 全面边缘解决方案:边缘的轻量级 Kubernetes、为边缘构建的操作系统、接近零维护
  • 采用云原生、开源、企业级产品的行业趋势
  • 包含 Continental 集团、Elektrobit 等头部企业在内的边缘计算成功案例

What can Enterprise Linux solutions from SUSE do for you?

Generate insights that matter with SUSE

The success of your business is increasingly determined by your ability to execute data-intensive workloads including AI, machine learning (ML) and analytics. Our solutions empower you to generate value from a fast-growing stream of data while keeping your HPC environment flexible, responsive and cost-effective.

SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing helps your business gain valuable insights and supports the analytics applications of tomorrow. Our highly scalable, high performance open source operating system can simplify your workload, crunch massive data at high speed, and solve complex problems faster than ever.

Improve Efficiency of Service Operations

Ongoing maintenance of IT systems ensures that business requirements are met for optimal performance. Software updates and configuration changes are often required but can introduce potential errors, increasing downtime and putting organization and regulatory compliance at risk. Learn how SUSE Manager can help you:

  • Proactive configuration management of SAP services
  • Identify potential problems before planned or unplanned downtime is required to fix critical errors.
  • Monitors and displays SAP system status to reduce troubleshooting time;
  • Automates configuration management and simplifies compliance reporting for more efficient operations.